Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Hassle free vaccine registration in Qatar for children between 12-to-18-year-old

Steps to get vaccinated in Qatar for children between 12-to-18-years-old 

NAS account is not needed for the 12-18 years old child category

* The Pfizer/ Moderna vaccine is being offered to those registered online who have received an SMS appointment

visit https://app-covid19.moph.gov.qa/en/instructions.html

Please call 109 for any technical issues with OTP

Click ‘To register for a vaccine appointment for your 12-18 yr child’

You will receive an sms from PHCC

click submit OTP button after one-time password is entered. OTP SMS will be received on the respective QID registered phone.

Select from the list of convenient Health centers of your choice

select preferred dates and time and submit

Wait for appointment date confirmation SMS from PHCC.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines both require two doses.

Pfizer News 

Coronavirus News

Fact Sheet

(Storage: Refrigeration units that are commonly available in hospitals. The vaccine can be stored for five days at refrigerated 2-8°C conditions.)

More data on Covid-19 vaccines for children 6 months to 12 years old are expected to be released later this year.

Monday, 17 May 2021

Azure: User not having access rights to the Azure AD conditional access

Environment details:

·         Tenant Id: ****0-33c2d-1318-****-1agdq71a2462

·         Tenant Initial Domain Name: blogger365.onmicrosoft.com

·         Affected user: testuser@blogger365.onmicrosoft.com (134***-1**-1356-31f1-689s3***1h)

·         Error message:
'No Access'
sessionid: 1fewh22c****8ee51a52199501b
ResourceID: not available
Extension: Microsoft_AAD_IAM
Content: PoliciesTemplateBlade
Error Code: 403

The user testuser@blogger365.onmicrosoft.com (test example) does not have any Azure AD Admin roles assigned.

From documentation, we can see that the least privileged role necessary to access the Conditional Access settings is the Conditional Access administrator role.

Conditional Access | Least-privileged roles by task - Azure Active Directory | Microsoft Docs

In order to provide access to the Azure AD Conditional Access you will need to assign your user with one of the following roles, according to the necessary permissions that you require this user to have:

Roles with permissions to write:

·         Conditional Access Administrator

·         Security Administrator

·         Global Administrator

Roles with permissions to read:

·         Security Reader

·         Global Reader

In order to assign the user with permissions to manage the Azure AD Conditional Access you needed to assign the user with the Conditional Access Administrator.

Since you are enrolled in the Azure PIM for role management, you needed to make sure that the assigned role was in the Activated state, as the Eligible state “only” provides the user with the ability of requesting the activation of the role from a Global Administrator or a Privileged Role Administrator.

(If you have been made eligible for an administrative role, then you must activate the role assignment when you need to perform privileged actions. From Activate my Azure AD roles in PIM - Azure Active Directory | Microsoft Docs )

After we activated the role, the user was then able to access the necessary resources.

Additionally, we had the following settings activated for your Azure AD:

The above setting (which is also regarded as a best practice) prevents users that do not have any Administrator role from accessing the Azure AD through the Azure Portal.

If you wish to allow all the non-admin users to access the Azure AD using the Portal, it would be important to discuss internally the requirement of this setting.

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Review/ Change Logon Server and Correct Erroneous Time

Change your logon server on your PC

1. open CMD in elevated mode.


C:\Users\rinith> echo %logonserver%

result (before change):


syntax: set logonserver=//servername

this sets the new logon server (pref. PDC)

C:\Users\rinith> set logonserver=//pdc2020

check the logon server again...

C:\Users\rinith> echo %logonserver%




Change Client Node Time and sync to the DC


c:>echo %logonserver%



Set time as that of you logon server

c:>net time %logonserver% /set /y

this will update the client time same as that of domain controller time


corrected time displays  

Friday, 26 March 2021

Command line to list users in a Windows Active Directory group?

The ability to administer and maintain up-to-date user lists and groups is critical to the security of an organization.

Using the GUI

There are a number of different ways to determine which groups a user belongs to. First, you can take the GUI approach:

1.     Go to “Active Directory Users and Computers”.

2.     Click on “Users” or the folder that contains the user account.

3.     Right click on the user account and click “Properties.”

4.     Click “Member of” tab.

Using the Command Line 

gpresult /V

You’ll get output that looks like this (I’ve truncated it to only include the group info):


Another command line to export to an output file

dsquery group -name ‘groupname’ | dsget group -members | dsget user -display >> outputfilename.txt

How do I check my mailbox database mount status?

Quick Exchange (on-prem)  Tips:

How do I check my mailbox database mount status?

Get-MailboxDatabase with the -status

Shell to create a user mailbox

New-Mailbox -Alias onPrem1 -Name "Test onprem1" -FirstName onPrem -LastName onprem1 -DisplayName "Test onprem1" -UserPrincipalName onprem1@yourdomain.com -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'P@ssw0rd' -AsPlainText -Force)

Shell to create a existing user mailbox

Enable-Mailbox estherv@yourdomain.com -Database UsersMailboxDatabase

Enable-Mailbox ktadmin@yourdomain.com -Database MDB1

check results:

Get-Mailbox -Database MDB1

License Issue M365 E3 to E5 Resolved and Next Step

We had enough trouble when swapped license between E3 to E5.

M365 license (means Enterprise Mobility + Security E5 & Office 365 E5) and feature selection is important.

Following issues were reported when license step up was carried out from E3 to E5:

We had users (a few frontrunners) complaining that they get product deactivated message and sign-in issues when we moved them from E3 to E5 group.


Resulting in failure to sign in.

Reactivate message remains

However, the aforesaid issue can be easily resolved by selecting the license feature ‘Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise’ to ‘ON’ from office admin portal


‘Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise’ to ‘ON’

Samsung Galaxy device Crashing Apps?

This happened to me on 24th March 2021. When I opened my navigation WAZE app and Outlook app, at first glance I was pondering why they closed abruptly and thought what went wrong. A quick investigation made me realize that a lot of Galaxy smartphone and tablet users as well were complaining about apps crashing on their devices. This issue is not just limited to Samsung’s devices. It is a widespread issue that is affecting a lot of Android users globally since 24th of March 2021. 

If you are one among them, then you are at the right blog with a remediation plan and fix those app crashes using a simple solution.

Don't worry, it took less than 5 mins. for me to fix my Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Android phone.

The issue is related to a system component called Android System WebView. Google released a buggy update to the component via the Play Store, which resulted in app crashes for many users. If you are facing the same issue on your Samsung Galaxy smartphone or tablet, you should try to check the Play Store and update the Android System WebView app (version 89.0.04389.105).

If you can’t spot the update, you can fix it by uninstalling the latest update to the Android System WebView. You can navigate to Settings » Apps >> Android System WebView and tap on it and uninstall updates.

If you are on a device running Android 9, you can do the following:

  1. Navigate to Settings » Apps
  2. Tap on the three dots on the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Now tap on Show system apps.
  4. Now find Android System WebView and tap on it.
  5. Now select Uninstall updates.

Alternatively, you can also try to uninstall the update to Android System WebView directly from the Play Store.