Friday 26 March 2021

Samsung Galaxy device Crashing Apps?

This happened to me on 24th March 2021. When I opened my navigation WAZE app and Outlook app, at first glance I was pondering why they closed abruptly and thought what went wrong. A quick investigation made me realize that a lot of Galaxy smartphone and tablet users as well were complaining about apps crashing on their devices. This issue is not just limited to Samsung’s devices. It is a widespread issue that is affecting a lot of Android users globally since 24th of March 2021. 

If you are one among them, then you are at the right blog with a remediation plan and fix those app crashes using a simple solution.

Don't worry, it took less than 5 mins. for me to fix my Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ Android phone.

The issue is related to a system component called Android System WebView. Google released a buggy update to the component via the Play Store, which resulted in app crashes for many users. If you are facing the same issue on your Samsung Galaxy smartphone or tablet, you should try to check the Play Store and update the Android System WebView app (version 89.0.04389.105).

If you can’t spot the update, you can fix it by uninstalling the latest update to the Android System WebView. You can navigate to Settings » Apps >> Android System WebView and tap on it and uninstall updates.

If you are on a device running Android 9, you can do the following:

  1. Navigate to Settings » Apps
  2. Tap on the three dots on the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Now tap on Show system apps.
  4. Now find Android System WebView and tap on it.
  5. Now select Uninstall updates.

Alternatively, you can also try to uninstall the update to Android System WebView directly from the Play Store.