Tuesday 18 May 2021

Hassle free vaccine registration in Qatar for children between 12-to-18-year-old

Steps to get vaccinated in Qatar for children between 12-to-18-years-old 

NAS account is not needed for the 12-18 years old child category

* The Pfizer/ Moderna vaccine is being offered to those registered online who have received an SMS appointment

visit https://app-covid19.moph.gov.qa/en/instructions.html

Please call 109 for any technical issues with OTP

Click ‘To register for a vaccine appointment for your 12-18 yr child’

You will receive an sms from PHCC

click submit OTP button after one-time password is entered. OTP SMS will be received on the respective QID registered phone.

Select from the list of convenient Health centers of your choice

select preferred dates and time and submit

Wait for appointment date confirmation SMS from PHCC.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines both require two doses.

Pfizer News 

Coronavirus News

Fact Sheet

(Storage: Refrigeration units that are commonly available in hospitals. The vaccine can be stored for five days at refrigerated 2-8°C conditions.)

More data on Covid-19 vaccines for children 6 months to 12 years old are expected to be released later this year.