Thursday 6 February 2020

Automate Azure App Services for website

Azure App Services for website

Automate the launching of websites via Azure services. This usually is a manual process of updating DNS to point to azure and adding the domain to azure. Godaddy has an API that allows changing A, txt and CName records. I need to be able to:

a) Add a domain to aure without having to pove the a/cname records to azure so this step can be done before launch is needed

b) API or somethig that will let me add domains to a web app from an automated process (API, etc)

Information on how to manage your App Service, summary below:

How to get FTP credentials for your App Service:

In the Azure Portal, browse to the App Service and click on the "Get Publish Profile" link, the value for Publish URL is the hostname and the username and password are found afterwards (see image below):

How to access phpMyAdmin

Browse to the Advanced Tools blade on your App Service and click on the Go button, this will take you to your Kudu console, just type /phpMyAdmin at the end of the URL to manage your database (see image below):

How to find the connection string for your App Service

Click on the "Configuration" blade, you can find your connection data under the Connection strings (see image below):

How to have your developers work remotely on your database

They can use MySQL WorkBench found at, they will need the hostname, username and password found on the connection string.