Wednesday 15 June 2011

AntiVirus & AntiSpam

this is like the fuel in your vehicle without which the engine would not start. by this time you might have noticed that without a proper and valid anti-virus and anti-spyware on your computer,  you will end up frantically wasting time and running after a support to vaccine the infected systems.
I have been using almost all top the line antivirus & antispywares both personal and corporate wide, few of them are Symantec, McAfee, TrendMicro, AVG (free for personal use), Avira (free for personal use), Sophos,.., of which I recommend McAfee for corporate use.
ePO Management is pretty simple and straight forward. rogue detection, policy assignment, patchs & dats deployment to multiple systems, querrying and management reports are all hassle free.
make sure whatsoever anti-virus you use are up-to-date on atleast a weekly basis. the related agents or plug-ins will ensure auto vaccine and protection to your workstation.