Monday 20 February 2012

Before you go for voting..!! Know your Leader

this is great to know about someone especially a candidate who has criminal cases for example this one .. Criminal Records
this is what are cyber surprises..Indian politics needs improvement... which can happen with unity and without corruption.
Decide a Candidate Good or Bad 

Friday 17 February 2012

Coconut oil watch to the end - A Real Eye Opener

A must Watch video!
Coconut's Medicinal Power 

Coconut Oil touted as Alzheimer's Remedy 
Parkinson's disease
- Coconut oil has ketone brain fuel and has HDL (good cholesterol)
- Coconut oil is a natural Antibiotic and helps control viruses like HIV & Herpes Viruses
- Coconut oil tends to keep the bacteria down...
watch video at

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Feeling Hungry? Google Has The Solution

Google Recipes

If you're looking for a new recipe to help break you out of a "food rut", then maybe it's time to give Google a try. It might sound odd, but the "Big G" can help you find all sorts of new and tasty things to make, plus you can refine your searching to accommodate for time constraints or certain ingredients!
Here's how:
Browse over to and type in a dish – I used Chicken Schezuan Sauce, for example. A few recipes and pictures should pop up, but if you click Recipes off in the left-hand column Google turns into the coolest cookbook ever!

Not only will it show you all the recipe results for the dish in question, but it'll give you options for low calorie versions or even recipes that take less time to make! You can even refine your recipe search to exclude (or include) certain ingredients!

Note: If you don't see a Recipes option in the left-hand column, click the More button.
Download compatible browsers

DOS Commands

An A-Z Index of the Windows CMD command line
for the shell command users:

Monday 3 October 2011

Auditing SQL 2008

Auditing SQL Server Password Age

-- Show all logins where the password is over 60 days old
 SELECT name, LOGINPROPERTY([name], 'PasswordLastSetTime') AS 'PasswordChanged'
 FROM sys.sql_logins
 WHERE LOGINPROPERTY([name], 'PasswordLastSetTime') < DATEADD(dd, -60, GETDATE());

-- Show all logins where the password is over 60 days old disregarding specific SQL Server Logins [##MS_PolicyTsqlExecutionLogin##, ##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin##]
 SELECT name, LOGINPROPERTY([name], 'PasswordLastSetTime') AS 'PasswordChanged'
 FROM sys.sql_logins
 WHERE LOGINPROPERTY([name], 'PasswordLastSetTime') < DATEADD(dd, -60, GETDATE())
 AND NOT (LEFT([name], 2) = '##' AND RIGHT([name], 2) = '##');

-- Show all logins where the password was changed within the last day
 SELECT name, LOGINPROPERTY([name], 'PasswordLastSetTime') AS 'PasswordChanged' FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE LOGINPROPERTY([name], 'PasswordLastSetTime') > DATEADD(dd, -1, GETDATE());

-- Show all logins where the password is more than 1 month

Select loginname from master..syslogins where datediff(Month,updatedate,getdate()) > 1

reference site:

Tips to optimize SQL server performance

Top 10 Tips for Optimixing SQL Server
10. Facilitate comparisons of workload behavior with benchmarking. What are baselining and benchmarking?
9. Use performance counters to quickly get useful information about currently running operations. Operational Monitoring & Bottleneck Monitoring.
8. Understand why changing server settings usually yields limited returns.
7. Identify performance bottlenecks quickly with DMVs.
6. Learn to use SQL Profiler and traces.
5. See why SANs are more than just I/O.
4. Prevent cursors and other bad T-SQL from returning to haunt applications.
3. Maximize plan reuse for better SQL Server caching.
2. Read the SQL Server buffer cache and how to minimize cache thrashing.
1. Master indexing by learning how indexes are used and how to counteract the characteristics of bad indexes.