Wednesday 14 June 2017

How to send Node to Node Message in Windows 7 Connected Nodes

by default this feature has been deprecated in Windows 7
however, a domain admin with domain privileges can do so from command prompt


msg /server:L1411004 console testmsg

where L1411004 is the hostname and testmsg is the actual message

If you encounter the following error message:-

- troubleshooting error: "Error 5 getting session names" then,
- Error 1722 getting session names

On the machine that you cannot message to:
Use regedit to navigate to: (this access destination hostname via Admin mode from source machine from registry console itself. this again requires admin privileges. Type regedit from cmd prompt. Then Click File >> Connect Network Registry

error connecting network registry pop-up usually appears when the destination windows firewall is activated and blocks all incoming connections. try to figure out this by allowing icmp ports. also, make sure remote registry services are running on either hosts.

and then change the destination registry settings AllowRemoteRPC value data from 0 to 1 base hexadecimal

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server

Then change the following value:

Name : AllowRemoteRPC
Value : 1