Thursday 9 March 2017

Experiencing difficulty in adding profile photo of employees

Basically, In active Directory we can use images up to 96×96 pixels in resolution. But in exchange 2013 you can use high resolution photo for the users which will be stored in user mailbox. This will allow you to upload photos up to 648x648 pixels.
If you dont have Photoshop or alternate software to edit pictures, don't worry this can be done online as well via

Photo should be in format *.jpg.
Photo should be in square shape. simply, Hight=Width.

Setting User Photos:
Two ways:

Users can upload their own photos through OWA >> Click on Display name (up right) >> Change Photo
Administrator can import photots in Exchange by using command below:
Single line command:

Set-UserPhoto “a.hany” -PictureData ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes(“C:\UsersPhotos\a.hany96x96.jpg”)) –Confirm:$False

You may also set photo or remove profile photo by the following methods:

Set-UserPhoto -Identity "Andrew Hany" -PictureData ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\Photo\Photo_Outlook\a.hany_96x96.jpg"))

This example uploads and saves a photo to Andrew Hany's user account using a single command.

Set-UserPhoto -Identity "Andrew Hany" -PictureData ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\Photo\Photo_Outlook\a.hany_96x96.jpg")) -Preview; 

Set-UserPhoto "Andrew Hany" -Save

This example shows how to use two commands to upload and save a preview photo to Andrew Hany's user account. The first command uploads a preview photo to Andrew Hany's user account, and the second command saves the uploaded photo as the preview photo.

Set-UserPhoto -Identity "Andrew Hany" -Cancel

This example deletes the preview photo that was uploaded in the previous example.

Reviewing User Photos:

access the following URL to check

Note: You need to change highlighted parts according to your environment.